Thursday, January 10, 2008

Depleted Uranium Munitions

The US military has been using all sorts of bombs and bullets with highly radioactive U-238, mostly in Iraq. I was interested in what this all means for both soldiers and civilians. There are many sites talking about this issue, but most seem to be out of the mainstream. But there is a 2001 article in Counterpunch, which is always provacative. It claims nearly half of all Iraqis in places like Basra will get cancer from these munitions. And this was just from Gulf War I. Dirty Bombs, indeed: DU: Cancer as a Weapon, Radioactive War


jimbino said...

Wikipedia, on "depleted uranium" says that the carcinogenicity of depleted uranium is controversial.

Dr. Steven Morphy-Godchaux III said...

I would have to see other references. Wiki is particularly prone to having controversial information 'scrubbed' (sometimes for better, usually for worse).

Dr. Steven Morphy-Godchaux III said...

BTW, I once cited a Wiki page to a colleague in an argument, and he went and edited the reference supporting my argument away! I love Wiki, but this is its biggest flaw.