Monday, May 12, 2008

Soros: Financial Crisis Stems from 'Super-Bubble'

A good audio interview with George Soros on NPR: Soros: Financial Crisis Stems from 'Super-Bubble' (7 minutes) .

1 comment:

jimbino said...

Soros may be right, but that's not the point. The point is that in the housing bubble burst, the losers were the trusting home-owners and the big banks throughout the world. But there were winners, like me, who can now buy property real cheap!

No matter what stock sells for, whether shares or housing stock, there are winners and losers, making it a zero-sum game as far as that goes, but a positve-sum game for the economy in the end, once capitalism's creative destruction has shown its effect.

Only government intervention, as in the Great Depression, can manage to make everyone a loser.